We are proud to spotlight UNYS members who are stepping forward to run for office, and need our help! 

This is the perfect chance to roll up your sleeves and participate in a grassroots campaign.


Anyone live in Broome County, District 123?
Lisa O’Keefe is running for the NYS Assembly seat against Donna Lupardo, the co-sponsor of the ERA proposition that threatens parental rights, women’s rights, and risks creating chaos in New York. Unlike career politicians, Lisa is one of us – a concerned citizen committed to restoring common sense to our legislation. She is eager to hear from you – visit Lisa O’Keefe’s site to learn more about the issues she cares about and leave her a message with the issues that you concern you. Here

Tricia S. Lindsay, is running for NYS Senate in district 37 (Westchester County) against an incumbent, far-left Democrat who has been in the NYS Legislature for almost 2 decades!  Tricia’s radical opponent supports giving BILLIONS of our tax dollars to illegal aliens while New Yorkers see our taxes sky rocket, our quality of life drop, and our children suffer the consequences.

Tricia Lindsay is a mother, a former educator and civil rights and constitutional law attorney, and is accustomed to fighting hard and working hard to get results.

Learn more about the issues Tricia cares about, Here
You can help by donating to Tricia’s campaign, Here

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