Share This Brand-New Website: Vote No On Prop 1

 Exciting news! 

There is a brand-new website that is easy to use and simply explains Prop 1! 

Check it out HERE and share it like crazy!

Our attorney Bobbie Anne Cox is working very hard to educate and inform New Yorkers across the state about a proposed change to the NYS Constitution. This proposed change is called Proposal One and is a Trojan Horse.  Prop 1 will be on the November 5th ballot for voters to decide if they want this change. If it passes it will extend constitutional rights to illegal aliens, erode parents’ rights and destroy girls’ sports.

We have to educate and spread the word about the dangers of Prop 1 to all NY voters. The best way to do that is to share the new Vote No On Prop 1 website with family and friends. The information on the site about Prop 1 is nicely laid out and easy to read. On the website, you can sign up for the latest news on Prop 1 and stay informed.

Click HERE now to go to the website and sign up!

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