Assessing the Impact of Illegal Immigrant Minors on New York’s Child Health Plus Program

For many, reliance on government support (ie. us taxpayers) starts in the womb. In New York City pregnant women (including illegals) access prenatal care through Medicaid (which we taxpayers fund) without needing to show immigration documentation. In this case, the government treats the child in the womb as an actual child, not just a fetus, automatically enrolling them in Medicaid at birth for the first year of life.

Unless born in the United States, most illegal immigrant minors are enrolled in Child Health Plus (CHP). There are no immigration laws that state that a minor cannot receive a medical plan.
CHP: Cost Analysis, and Coverage

To assess the impact of illegal minors on the cost of the Child Health Plus program for us taxpayers, we need to analyze enrollment numbers. Since the state does not distinguish between illegal immigrants and citizens in its data, we will compare CHP enrollment figures from before the invasion of illegal immigrant minors to the current enrollment.

Year  Jan 2018  Jan 2019  Feb 2020  Dec 2021  Dec 2022  Dec 2023   June 2023 thru April 2024 
Enrollment  374,577  417,753  451,550  391,615  375,572  919,463  1,412,537 

This leads us to the question of cost: how much are undocumented immigrants costing us? The answer is not straightforward, as the state does not provide that information. Therefore, we must rely on comparing budgets from year to year.

When looking at the Department of Health’s total budget for 2024, the figure is a staggering $256,877,895,221. This massive expenditure has nearly doubled from the 2017 budget of $143,685,246,800. It is hard to fathom just how immense this budget is, now stretching into the hundreds of billions and highlighting an alarming and unprecedented surge in spending.

The New York State Department of Health’s total allocation for Child Health Insurance has skyrocketed. Shockingly, from 2017 (before evasion of illegals) to 2024, amidst a surge in illegal minors, the cost has increased by an alarming $1,251,109,000. In 2024, the staggering total cost for Child Health Insurance has more than doubled to $2,733,106,000.

Category  FY 2017  FY 2024  Spending Difference 2017 vs 2024 
Child Health Insurance       
Funds – Federal  $1,000,000,000. $1,764,098,000.  + $764,098,000.
Funds – Other  $481,997,000.    $969,008,000.  + $487,011,000.
Total   $1,481,997,000. $2,733,106,000.  $1,251,109,000.           Increase  

Foreign Born Population Grew 51 Million Last Two Years, Center for Immigration Studies reports. As the number of illegal immigrants increases, so do the enrollment numbers and associated costs, suggesting a correlation between these factors. You don’t need to be a mathematician to see the connection.

How convenient a map of the states that offer free care.  


  • No deductibles
  • No copayments
  • No coinsurance
  • Includes doctor visits
  • Covers All medical services for illegal immigrant minors up until age 18
How is it justifiable that illegal immigrant families receive free, gold-standard insurance plans while citizens struggle with sky-high insurance costs, copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance?

Eligibility for Child Health Plus medical insurance  

  • Illegal immigrant Minors ages from birth to 18 
  • Free No Monthly Premiums for illegal immigrant families with income up to 2.2 times the poverty level. That’s about $1,194 a week for a family of three, about $1,443 a week for a family of four.   
  • Those illegal immigrant children who are below 2.2 FPL are enrolled in Medicaid.  
  • Illegal immigrant family incomes somewhat higher are required to pay a monthly premium depending on illegal immigrant family size. Monthly premium starts at $15 per illegal immigrant child per month and is capped at charging for 3 illegal immigrant children for larger illegal immigrant families.  
  • Household size calculations include all expected children of pregnant illegal immigrants.   

It’s absolutely crucial that we VOTE out these horrendous Democrat politicians who hold the supermajority and enact insane laws. They brazenly reach into our pockets and hand our hard-earned cash to illegal immigrants. Let’s us take back the NY Senate in November.

Learn more on how we can flip the Senate, Here

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