Here is the latest breaking news on our quarantine lawsuit from our attorney, Bobbie Anne Cox:
BREAKING NEWS… High Court Paves the Way for Quarantine Camps!
What is your first reaction to the title of this article? Shock? Disbelief? Skepticism? I’m sure many of you are thinking, But it’s 2025… We are 5 years out from the insanity of COVID-mania. And we have a new Administration in the White House… How on earth are you talking about “quarantine camps” now?
Well folks, the truth of the matter is that my quarantine camp lawsuit that I first started three long years ago, has just reached its conclusion. The highest court in New York State, the Court of Appeals, issued its final ruling in the case… This panel of seven appointed judges is refusing to hear the case! That means the grossly erroneous intermediate appellate court’s ruling will stand, which in turn means that Governor Hochul and her dystopian New York State Department of Health are free to re-issue their heinous quarantine camp regulation at will. Buckle up, New York!
Click HERE to finish reading this very important article. Learn about Attorney Cox’s battles against the state, what the next step is for Attorney Cox and how you can help.