The Power of Grassroots

Historic Landslide Republican Primary Win~82% to 18%~for Assemblyman David DiPietro Due to Grassroots Efforts

-Statement by Nancie Orticelli (President of The Constitutional Coalition of NYS)

Assemblyman David DiPietro is one of the few elected officials in New York State who has always been a champion for the people. Not only is he beloved in his own district, but he is also well known and loved across the entire state. There is a reason why the New York State Conservative Party endorsed him three months before they usually provide endorsements. There is a reason why when he walked through the halls of Albany at the height of outrage due to religious exemptions being repealed for children to attend school that hundreds of parents, grandparents, and children chanted his name and started cheering. There is a reason why the largest gun group in New York State, New York State Firearms Association, endorsed him and named him as their number one plaintiff in suing Kathy Hochul over the new background checks for ammunition in fringing on our second amendment rights. There is a reason why Janice Dean and all the people who lost loved ones in the nursing homes during lockdown support him. They are championing his new bill in New York State called the Essential Cares Act, which advocates for senior citizens to have representation in times of supposed health crisis. There’s a reason why small business owners love him because he is advocating for lower taxes so people can just run their businesses and put food on their tables. There’s a reason why Lee Zeldin chose him to be his representative in Erie County and Wyoming County for the Zeldin Cares program that clothes and feeds are homeless veterans. There’s a reason why freedom fighters during lockdown loved him because he stood with Moog employees as they staged their civil defiance protest and walked out of the building when vaccines were mandated to keep their employment.

All these reasons are why when DiPietro faced a Primary from within his own party, and the GOP committee wouldn’t even endorse him, all these people from all these different groups and more rallied for this champion. It wasn’t easy, and people gave up so much during the last seven months to make sure David DiPietro remained our voice in Albany. We gave up sleep, we gave up time with our families, we walked in all kinds of weather going door to door to obtain signatures to get his name on the ballot, attended Townhall meetings, utilized call lists to get out the vote, held a rolling patriots rally to get out the vote, but one of the biggest things we didn’t do is fundraise. Due to New York States new law allowing any candidate to receive matching funds from the state, which in essence is the taxpayers money, David’s opponent was able to raise $75,000 by doing absolutely nothing. The assemblyman voted against the bill and he refused to accept taxpayer dollars to run a campaign. This race has depleted his funds and now he faces a Democrat challenger in November. That issue alone was enough to anger the grassroots groups. If the assemblyman could give up the chance to get $150,000 of free money by doing nothing, the onus was on the people to make sure we protected this man.

It’s not easy being a grassroots activist. For me personally, I have not cleaned my house in months, I went through the death of a brother, and the birth of a grandbaby who needed open heart surgery in the middle of all this. So many people told me to just go be with my family, and maybe I should have, but I also know that securing the fate of our state and our nation is the greatest gift I could give my children and grandchildren. The result of all this? Our assemblyman won in a historic landslide 82% to 18%. That was grassroots! I know a lot of grassroots people got involved in the Zeldin campaign, but the establishment was running it, and grassroots was looked upon as an afterthought. This was a campaign where the grassroots were not only part of the team, but we were the actual team. A lot of people say they are grassroots and say that they fight, but until you give up some things and sacrifice some things for what you believe in, your grassroots in name only. This next fight for this assemblyman starts now. We need to fundraise, we need donations, because nobody fights harder in New York State than Assemblyman David DiPietro. Consider helping him today: DiPietro For You | David DiPietro



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